Are You Registered To Vote?
You may already be registered to vote. If you are not sure, you can check your registration status online. If you have a Drivers License or other state-issued identification, you are probably registered.

Not Registered?
There are lots of ways you can register.

  • Online

  • Complete a paper registration form

  • Register at the poll

Early Voting
You can have an absentee allot sent to you. You complete it and send it back. You do not have to provide a reason for why you are voting with an absentee ballot. You can also vote early in person.

Where to Vote on Election Day
If you vote in person you must vote at the polling place assigned to your address. This is usually a nearby school. Don’t forget, you can register when you vote.

If You Need Help Voting
The Minnesota Secretary of State is dedicated to assuring that all eligible voters are able to vote.